Embassy visit

Mayo 29, 2024

It was a pleasure to welcome UK in Uruguay Ambassador (@tag) Faye O'Connor OBE to our plantations last week to showcase our contribution to the global net zero agenda. 

As a business, LUMIN® has been working to achieve carbon balance since 2006 when we started the ‘La Pitanga Lumin-Eucapine Carbon Sequestration Project’ to evaluate greenhouse gases. The initial project saw 18,191 HA of land in Uruguay previously under extensive grazing by cattle, converted into sustainable managed forest plantations.  

Our sustainably managed forests are highly effective when it comes to carbon sequestration with faster growth rates and young, healthy trees that are capable of sequestering more carbon than slower-growing natural forests. It is estimated that through carbon sequestration, the forests remove 5,601,938 tCO2 from the atmosphere. That’s the equivalent to the emissions of crude oil imported in Uruguay in one year. 

But our commitment to the net zero agenda doesn’t end there. With the recent sale of 2.2 million carbon credits to Climate Impact Partners, LUMIN® is also enabling other organization’s with ambitious net zero targets to reach their goals. 

#Netzero #Climatechange #carboncredits 

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