Win-Win, gender equality is good business.

Win-Win, gender equality is good business.

Win-Win Program

Lumin (Uruply SA) is a signatory of the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) within the framework of the Win-Win program: Gender equality is good business, financed by the European Union (EU)'s Partnership Instrument and carried out by UN Women in association with the International Labour Organization in order to promote gender equality through the private sector. The WEPs, created y UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact, give companies the opportunity to adopt policies and invest in promoting gender equality in the workplace, production process and communities. The Win-Win program opens up a path for the private sector to assume its role within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with an emphasis on SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals). Lumin (Uruply S.A) has been trained with the program's workshops and support to work on reaching these goals.

  1. Promoting gender equality from the highest level of leadership.
  2. Treating every man and woman equally in the workplace; respecting and defending human rights and non-discrimination.
  3. Looking after every worker's health, safety and well-being.
  4. Promoting women's education, training and professional development.
  5. Carrying out business development, supply chain and marketing practices that contribute to women's empowerment.
  6. Promoting equality through community and sensibilization initiatives.
  7. Evaluating and broadcasting progress made in gender equality.

For more information:



Uruguay Coordinator for the program, Lorena Lamas:

More Strategic alliances

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  • Community health and wellbeing initiatives

    LUMIN installed the first "Centro Cerca" Cardiac Rehabilitation Center in the department of Tacuarembó, where multiple training sessions have been delivered with the support of the company.

  • Technical Schools

    LUMIN has supported multiple educational institutions by donating materials and technical support, such as the Technical Schools (UTU) in Tacuarembó and Melo, and the Technological and Educational Center of Tacuarembó, among others.

  • National Institute Of Rehabilitation (INR)

    The National Rehabilitation Institute and LUMIN have joined forces, further affirming the company's commitment to work toward the community's social and labor inclusivity.

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