Committed to making a positive contribution to the net zero agenda.

Committed to making a positive contribution to the net zero agenda.

Carbon sequestration

Uruguay's forestry sector plays an important role in the social and economic development of the country, especially in the rural regions.

LUMIN is dedicated to sustainable forest production, ensuring its operations in Uruguay adhere to national environmental laws and LUMIN's highest corporate operational and environmental standards. We are committed to preserving soil, water, and air quality, as well as enhancing community well-being.



Initiated in 2006, Project "La Pitanga" spans 18,191 hectares in Uruguay, transforming land once used for extensive cattle grazing into forest plantations for durable wood products. This conversion aids in carbon sequestration, helping to reverse soil degradation. Over the next century, it is projected to remove more than 6 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, averaging about 60,000 tons annually.


Social Benefits

Environmental Benefits

As well as being committed to sustainable forest management, approximately 40% of our land is non-forested and is destined for other uses including cattle grazing, agriculture for biofuel crops and protecting the local ecosystems for the conservation of rare or uncommon birds.

Key ecosystems include those of Sierra de Ríos, Yaguarón and Tacuarí rivers, which are home to rich biodiversity such as birds and rare species that are listed in the international conservation lists (IUCN , International Union for Conservation of Nature). Some of these species are vulnerable or at high risk of extinction in wild environments and therefore are a high priority for conservation.

Environmental Benefits

Technical data

  • VCS registration under CCB validation
  • Project ID: 960
  • Project Promoter: EUCAPINE
  • Registered Project Status: Public
  • Sector 14: Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use
  • Project Methodology: AR-ACM0001
  • Creation Program: GHG Verified Carbon Standard
  • Project Validator: GHG Verified Carbon Standard
  • Registration: Markit
  • Estimated Annual VCU: 60,000
  • Registration: Verra

To learn more, please visit

LUMIN is engaged in a new carbon credit verification process for its project initiated in 2006, now incorporating the "CCB standard" for Climate, Community, and Biodiversity. This enhancement focuses on strengthening community relationships and conserving the biodiversity vital to our production processes.

Find out more about the CCB standard in the download section.

Available documents to download

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