Social Responsibility

LUMIN® implements a strong Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy that ensures high levels of communication and participation with the local community and the environment in which we operate.


Regional Impact

Cerro Largo

  • Melo
  • Arévalo
  • Cañas
  • Centurión
  • Cerro de las Cuentas
  • Fraile Muerto
  • Tupambae


  • Ciudad de Rivera
  • Ataques
  • La Palma
  • Masoller
  • Manuel Diaz
  • Paraje Curticeiras
  • Tranqueras


  • Ciudad de Tacuarembó
  • Cañas
  • Laureles
  • Lambaré
  • Paso Cerferino
  • Paso del Cerro

Treinta y Tres

  • Ciudad de Treinta y Tres
  • Rincón
  • Santa Clara de Olimar
  • Vergara


  • Ciudad de Montevideo

Approach and Objectives

We work responsibly and are committed to ESG principles (Social, Environmental, Governance) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Approach and  Objectives

LUMIN actively engages with the community without seeking a leadership role. The company supports community efforts in good faith while focusing on its primary business. A key focus within this support is our commitment to renewable energy and environmental sustainability.

Making key decisions

We have a formal process for all support requests which includes submitting the request in writing along with key information about the applicant.

All requests are reviewed by our CSR team who will respond to applicants in writing as to weather they have been successful. The criteria that guides our decision making is as follows:

  • The impact we can have on the success of a project and how it will affect the area. 
  • How many other similar projects have been supported. 
  • Whether the applicant has previously recieved support from LUMIN. 
  • The impact on the LUMIN brand.
  • Cost vs benefit analysis.
  • Availability of resources.

Sustainable Development Goals

LUMIN reports it activities from 3 perspectives - economic, social, and environmental and demonstrate their impact on the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals are a global call to action by the United Nations under the 2030 Agenda, aiming to eradicate poverty, protect our planet, and improve the lives and prospects of people worldwide.

The ambitious pledge includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 associated targets which are integrated and indivisible. Never before have world leaders committed to common action and endeavour across such a broad and universal policy agenda. Companies like LUMIN foster cross-sector partnerships to advance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various initiatives. These include boosting local incomes where they operate, enhancing staff training, implementing anti-harassment protocols, investing in renewable energy, supporting local industries, managing environmental and social risks, and forming strategic alliances to meet set objectives.

LUMIN supports the SDGs through its Corporate Social Responsibility program and reports annually. The company's business model strategically combines social goals with economic advantages, leveraging its corporate strength to positively impact employees, the community and the environment.

Examples of ESG projects

  • Win-Win Program

    Lumin (Uruply SA) is a signatory of the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) within the framework of the Win-Win program: Gender equality is good business.

  • Arcoiris - Early Childhood Care Center

    LUMIN, together with the OSTM company workers' union, INAU (Institute for Children and Adolescents of Uruguay), MIDES, and the Police Family Assistance Commission, collaborated to establish ARCOIRIS, a child care center in Tacuarembó, enhancing community support through coordinated efforts.

  • Public Education Support Program

    The Public Education Support Program is an ANEP initiative that seeks to promote and execute special donations with private sector companies, investing in real and innovative improvements in public education. The different initiatives revolve around five categories: Healthy Living, Inclusive Education,...

  • Children With Wings Foundation

    Since 2000, Children With Wings Foundation has been supporting 1,800 children in five schools in deprived neighborhoods of Montevideo. It places an emphasis on improving the quality of education that these children receive, to ensure the continuity of the entire school and high school cycle.

  • Apadista

    APADISTA (Friends and Parents of the Disabled of Tacuarembó) is a non-profit civil association founded in December 1991. Its mission is to fully integrate and rehabilitate people with disabilities within the community by promoting their rights and duties, as well as their personal, family, and social develpment.

  • Tree Project

    The Tree Project is an educational program that raises awareness and sensitizes children and teachers about the importance of trees and forests, whether these are native to the environment or for wood production.

  • Project Learning Tree

    Project Learning Tree (PLT) brings the environment and students together in the classroom, to connect children with nature, and encourage them to observe, investigate, and discover their environment.

  • Ministry Of Social Development – MIDES

    LUMIN has been working with the directorate at the Ministry of Social Development in Tacuarembó on projects related to social and labor inclusion.

  • National Institute Of Rehabilitation (INR)

    The National Rehabilitation Institute and LUMIN have joined forces, further affirming the company's commitment to work toward the community's social and labor inclusivity.

  • Technical Schools

    LUMIN has supported multiple educational institutions by donating materials and technical support, such as the Technical Schools (UTU) in Tacuarembó and Melo, and the Technological and Educational Center of Tacuarembó, among others.

  • Support for community health and well-being programs

    LUMIN installed the first "Centro Cerca" Cardiac Rehabilitation Center in the department of Tacuarembó, where multiple training sessions have been delivered with the support of the company.

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